Sunday, January 25, 2015

Being Snatched: Getting My Life

Ugh! I have been thinking (and dreading) about this post for a couple of months. I really did not want to blog about this topic but I feel like when I put it into the universe I am held accountable for it. So here we go! 

I am definitely a "New Years Resolution", "around my birthday", "event coming up", "I am going on vacation and cannot look crazy"  kind of girl!! Let me explain. I totally hype myself up about why I need to lose weight and do it for a couple of weeks and stop. Main reason is I am just too lazy (oohh how I really want to lie to y'all and say I am too busy). There are times I get up at 4:45 in the morning and meet my trainer and eat healthy start losing weight then I have a bad day and it's all out the window! 

I am the type of girl you see in a multitude of classes (which can range from bikram to spin) go 4 or 5 days a week. Then I just fall off! So, again, I felt like if I blog about it I will be a little stricter with myself because I am hoping you guys will hold me responsible for slacking. Slacking does not intentionally happen all the time- LIFE happens. I just need to know that for an hour or so a day I have to do some type of physical activity.

I am also not to greatest with eating. I love food and wine. When I food prep I feel like I do my best but I also gag when I have to eat any type of leftovers. I hate leftovers with a passion. So I know I am not going to be the girl that prepares for the whole week. I have to find time in my schedule each day to make my breakfast, lunch and dinner. YOU HAVE TO BE HONEST with yourself. 

I plan to start this whole healthy lifestyle tomorrow. I really want to say today but it is not happening! I am going to the grocery store today after a meeting and will keep you guys updated. 

Oh last but not least HELLLLL NO I am not ready to share my actual weight yet! Maybe when I reach my goal! The pic above is about a 30 pound weight difference! Everything in moderation! 

Signing off-


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