So I just got off the phone with a friend and I ran through this topic I am about to blog about. She said "Oh you mean "Nicesty"" to which I replied "Huh?" She said "Yeah!! You are talking about "nicesty". You know "nice" and "nasty"." OOOOOOOOOOO THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!
So looked up the definition and of course Webster's didn't have that specific meaning of the word BUT Urban Dictionary did (DING DING DING)!! 
Ladies ladies ladies I'm talking to you specifically... People evolve into who they are supposed to be. Who people were 2,3,4,5 years ago ARE NOT necessarily who they are today.
So what if you run into an old high school classmate and she is fly as hell now DO NOT down play her by saying she wasn't fly back then. Maybe she didn't have the means or maybe that didn't matter to her back then.
People change and people's style changes -we all have to embrace it (or not ). The past doesn't matter as much as you think it does! Believe me we were ALL lost in the sauce at one time. Remind me to show you a pic one day!
Don't be shocked if you see some of these "rambling off the wall" posts from time to time. It's only natural!
Oh and if you are asking! No, this situation has not happened to me (or at least not yet or not that anyone has said to my face).
Signing off-