Listen... I, like most savvy New Yorkers, love a deal. I look high and low near and far for THAT perfect deal. Within the last year I have become an addict of eBay! It has become my obsession (you can ask any of my friends). I have a knack for finding deals. Prime example! Some authentic vintage Guccis I copped for $50(FRIGGING STEALLLL)!

Please tell me you don't think these are the damn icing on the cake! They fit like a dream! I'm definitely the type to obsess over things (nail polish, makeup, perfume the perfect pair of jeans to hug my bottom just right and OF COURSE SUNGLASSES)! Anyway... I'm saying all of this to say : Fashion (or whatever you choose to call it) doesn't really come at such a high price! Buy what you can afford! If you can't afford something please for the sake of big baby Jesus keep it on the shelf! I have seen too many people buy what they cannot afford and regret it afterwards.
I read an article from one of my favorite blogs ( ) and she basically said when she HAD IT (KEY WORDS) she then began to buy higher priced items and started getting her hair and makeup done professionally. But she waited until she had the means to do so. Yes, I do believe everyone should have key staple items but until you can truly afford them do with what you have.
Throughout this little ole blog of mine I will be sharing little bargain finds I have come across for you guys. I think I get a sick sort of high from it but oh well such is life.
Signing Off-